Monday, October 10, 2016

Taking It Easy

The baby countdown is on. And we made relaxation a priority this weekend. Friday night, we hit the town just in case it was our last date night. We decided to go to Black Sheep since it was the last date night we had before we found out we were having a baby. Same thing- same food- so I didn't take any pictures.

While we waited for our table, we hopped over to MudHouse for some coffee. I tried an italian soda with cream and pumpkin spice. It was different, but really good! I'm glad I tried it! It was like a creamy, pumpkin flavored cream soda.

Saturday morning, I didn't do much of anything other than hold down the couch. 

Saturday night, I wanted some dessert. Surprise, surprise. I've been on a smores kick, so I popped some plain popcorn kernels on the stove top then added marshmellows, crushed graham crackers, and some chocolate chips. I popped it into the microwave for about 15 seconds so it could all gel together. Delicious!!

Sunday morning, I beat Hubbs out of bed and made him some gingerbread pancakes. They were pretty simple, not super healthy- but very delicious!

And that was pretty much the highlights of our weekend other than lots of football, the debate, and putting some finishing touches on the nursery- which will be my next post. Stay tuned!

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